- I am one of the 58 featured people with whom the author conducted a full interview and considered to be one of the most well-researched Psychics in North America. You can find me on page 72. Click on the image to see more about the book, author, contents, as well as to purchase.
- Diane was featured in an article about psychic readers and mediums in Connecticut. Read more on The Register Citizen.
- An online source identifying the best psychics in each state established Diane as one of the top psychics in the Connecticut area.
- Featured in 2015 Best Psychics, Mediums and Lightworkers in the United States. Click image to purchase.
- Interviewed and featured in the American Psychic and Medium magazine for the January 2015 issue.
- Lightworker's World Elite By Maximillien de Lafayette Available at Lulu, Amazon and Barnes and Noble Inducted into World's Lightworkers Hall of Fame on December 11, 2014
- National and International Rank of The World's Best Lightworkers 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Lightworker's World Elite By Maximillien de Lafayette Available at Lulu, Amazon and Barnes and Noble Inducted into World's Lightworkers Hall of Fame on December 11, 2014
- National and International Rank of The World's Best Lightworkers 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Lightworker's World Elite By Maximillien de Lafayette Available at Lulu, Amazon and Barnes and Noble Inducted into World's Lightworkers Hall of Fame on December 11, 2014